Yes my knitting this week is as slow as a snail. We homeschool our 5 children and our school schedule is different than that of the public school district we live in due to religious Holy Days. So we've just been getting back into the swing of things with school lately and WOW it has really killed my knitting time. So I did absolutely no knitting on any projects yesterday. Boo :(
However today looks like it may end up giving me at least a couple of minutes to spend on the sweater I am doing for Darling Hubby.
The pattern I am working is the Hooded Sweatshirt in the book Knits Men Want. The yarn I am using is a Three Irish Girl's yarn - the base is Springvale Bulky and the colors are Eaven, McNamara, and a club colorway call George Bailey. Springvale Bulky is the softest, squishiest, yummiest bulky base ever :) No other way to describe it. The colors - Eaven, a deep teal blue, McNamara is a really neat green with layers of colors in it, almost like gold when it knits up, and the George Bailey is a beautiful deep brown from the clubs.
I am really really loving how this sweater is knitting up. I'm not loving the idea of seaming it of course but I worked to learn backwards knitting before I started this so it is going much faster for me than it otherwise would have. I finished the back of the sweater a couple of days ago and cast on the front. So now I am working on the front - just lots of back & forth, back & forth. Not terribly exciting but something I can easily do while working with the kids or watching a show or video podcast (like the knitgirllls!). Here's hoping it turns out well because Darling Hubby is really looking forward to having a comfy sweater that he can snuggle into and I am kind of looking forward to being able to say I knit a complete man-sweater, lol!!
Let's see, I have fewer projects on the needle right now than I have in probably the past year and a half. I became so completely poly-minded in my knitting that I was getting very little done. But this summer I really worked towards having less projects on the needles. So as of writing (typing) this I have 4 things actually ON needles and two in the plans.
So the first thing - my primary focus is the sweater for Darling Hubby.
Then I have a sweater, What Cheer!, on the needles. It was designed by a friend. I am LOVING knitting it, but it keeps getting pushed aside for things that are more pressing - boo! If I don't finish it soon my poor little girl will not be able to wear it. I'm using some beautiful Three Irish Girls in a retired colorway for it.
Next are some socks that have been on the needles since about this time last year (oops). A pair of Chirality by Star Athena that I started during the KAL that they were done in. And a pair of Isaz that I started during the KAL where they were released. Both are beautiful socks, I just haven't had a chance to work on them. I want to love making socks but I just haven't fallen for it yet, lol. Though that certainly doesn't keep from trying repeatedly.
The two things that are planned are a pair of Argylers Handwarmers from some yarn I received in a magic yarn ball swap and the Hitchhiker that I want to do as part of the Knitgirllls KAL that will start in November.
So it is getting better, pretty soon I'll be down to just a couple of things on the needle...nahhh, lol. There are way too many things out there in the world that I want to knit! Sweaters, scarves and shawls for my darling little princess, sweaters, hats and mittens for my rugged little guys. Just lots of fun to be had.
Hope you are having fun knitting on whatever you have on the needles!!
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