A little back story if you will...
My friend Trisha from TAAT Designs designed and knit a most beautiful bag that she named Fulfillment. The design was published by Sanguine Gryphon.
Here is the bag:

An amazing work of art isn't it?
Well, as is the custom with these things, the finished bag traveled hither and yon and made appearances wherever Sanguine Gryphon went to sell their yarn. The most recent place it visited was Rhinebeck for that lovely fiber arts festival. However for some unknown reason Fulfillment did not return home. I know not if it went home with someone who was so taken with it they could not resist or if it got misplaced and ended up in a lost and found box somewhere. But if you have this bag or if you have seen this bag and know where it is could you PLEASE return it to Sanguine Gryphon? This bag is the rightful property of the designer and she is deeply saddened and hurt that it will not be returning home. It would mean more to her than I can possibly say to have it back.
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