Yes, poor Baldwin the bathroom monster did not receive even one vote...wonder if it is the bathroom association *grin*. So Miss Bea was started yesterday. I hope hope hope that I have enough of the chosen yarn. Miss Bea has decided she wants to be purple and pink. What a pretty monster she should be, though she isn't really much to look at yet...
So, as you may recall if you read Friday (sister dear - hee hee) I posted knitting goals for the weekend. And I knocked them out of the park baby!!! Woohooooo. Okay, so maybe I didn't really do much of anything else...but still. A little props? Please? we go.
Multnomah - FINISHED! I even blocked it! Yay me *big grin*. It is currently in the possession of Princess Lilly-Girl.
Pattern: Multnoman
Yarn: Grant Creek Yarns, Merino/Cashmere/Nylon blend in the Raspberry Mint colorway (luv!)
Darling Hubby's Basket weave scarf - The goal was to add 2 inches. I added 7.5 inches!! Yay! It is currently a whopping 16 inches long....and I have to go to NINETY inches. Yay, almost there....or something like that. But he loves it and it will keep his yummy neck so toasty warm so that is what matters.
Hitchhiker Scarflette for the Knitgirllls KAL (knit-a-long) - the goal was to add one point to the shawl... and I added 3 (I think, I forget what it was at). It has a total of 14 points now. The pattern calls for 42 total (hitchhiker, get it??) but the skein of yarn I have will not stretch that far so I'll work til I have no more yarn. Not sure exactly how many points that will get me. It's coming along quite nicely though.
Then I had a spinning goal of at least 10 minutes each day. Managed to do that as well. Yay! I will talk more about that later in the week...hopefully be able to get some pretty pictures.
And then the lovely Bea Monster...
Not much to look at yet is she? *grin* But hopefully she will come along nicely too...though she is a maybe not...
Maybe I should make an egg laying monster? We have new chickens (new being subjective, they were all born this past spring) and they are just starting to lay on a semi regular schedule. Perhaps a little monster that perches in the rafters of the hen house to remind them that they need to lay eggs? Or maybe a basket...I still don't have an egg basket to gather eggs in...Maybe I should knit & felt a basket. Anyone know of a good basket pattern?
There is some pretty sunshine out right now and the hens and the pretty rooster are out scratching in the mud and enjoying the sun. It's so nice to be able to sit and see them enjoying the outdoors. Rhode Island Reds are quite pretty! If you are ever in the market for hens they are a nice one. Lay well (I'm told), pretty to look at and friendly. We call one of our sons the Chicken Whisperer because he has them so used to him that they sometimes climb right on his shoulder from the roosting post *grin*. It's a fun experience for the kids, and we get eggs from it. Works for me.
So, that's the update after this weekend. Time to get moving along. Have a lovely Monday!
So fun seeing all your WIP's!! Love the Multnomah and your dh's scarf! Can't wait to see the monster!