Sunday, January 19, 2020

Sunday Round-up 1/19/2020

Another entire week in the bag! How does that happen so quickly?
Sunday is sometimes a day of relaxation and sometimes just crazy busy with all the things going on at church and small groups. Today was a relaxation day since the winter weather hit with a vengeance this weekend. Plenty of knitting, resting and even some cooking. 
Here's a quick look at where the current WIP's all stand!

Handspun Longline Cardi - my #make30for30 FIVE inches of progress since #make30for30 started!! I'm so glad!


Warm Heart Baby Vest - just drying and waiting to be seamed & finished

Baby bibs that just need some seaming - drying and then will get seamed this week

My Beau's Vest & Things - got cast on last night and am making some progress. Hoping to work on it this week. This one will go in my backpack this week.

Blue Rose City Rollers -  Ugh, had to rip out multiple inches of the toe/foot. I got that all picked up and am back to making progress on that. This one is my purse knitting.

Sockhead hat for G - this is a new cast-on as well. This will be my desk knitting. G chose the yarn for this one. 

 And my spinning - this Charollais is just such a joy to spin.

 Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful coming week and that there is time for spinning, knitting, or crafting of your choice!

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