Friday, January 10, 2020

Make 30 for 30

Wow! The past week has really gotten away from me. However, I have been busily knitting away in whatever moments I could find. Some days I wish I was a monogamous knitter again but other days I think there is no way I could go back to only working on one project at a time. BUT, argues my conscience, I get so much more accomplished when working on only one item at a time...yeah, I know.
This week I have been working on THREE things.
First is a sock head hat for a friend. She chose the yarn a couple of months ago and I cast it on late last month. I need another inch and a half or so of stockinette and then it will be time for the decreases (yay, happy dance!). I love this colorway. It is called Bow Ties Are Cool (happy Dr reference!) and is dyed by Quaere Fibre (she has some gorgeous, bright, striping colorways).
I am looking forward to wrapping this little gem up. Of course, when I do I'll probably cast on another. It seems like I always have a sock head hat on the needles. I'm not sure when that developed but I have knit quite a few of them now. Any time I have a skein of sock yarn that I don't have a plan for I end up casting on a sock head hat. One of these days I'll attempt one that isn't just stockinette but has a fun bit of patterning in it.

The second thing I have been working on is a baby item. It is getting closer to being finished. If I had maybe 2 days to just sit and work on it I would probably get it done. I don't have two days though...the shower is tomorrow...ooops.

And the third thing I have been working on is my Longline cardi, aka my handspun sweater. A couple of years ago I participated in a sweater spin/make along that legacy knits started. I dyed some bfl, spun it and then cast on the sweater. Granted it took me over a year to spin the yarn. And now the sweater has been on the needles for closing on two years. So when I saw the podcast that Knitty Natty of the Love in Stitches podcast put out about #Make30for30 I was intrigued. Could I spend thirty consecutive days knitting for 30 minutes on a project? Maybe. I could certainly try. And what better project to focus on than my handspun sweater. I might actually *gasp* get it done...well, that's probably not realistic but some progress would be wonderful. So that is what I have been trying for. Day 1 was June 5th. So today is day 6. I have made almost an inch and a half of progress. That doesn't sound like much but a finger/sport weight sweater in a plus size...that's a lot of stitches. So I am tickled that I am making progress. It definitely beats the sweater sitting in its project bag never seeing the light of day.

So, if you were to #Make30for30, what would you concentrate on? I am wondering if I do this successfully if I might turn into a habit. It would be nice to make progress on some of the WIP's that followed me into 2020 but still be able to spend other knitting time on new projects that interested me.

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