Friday, January 17, 2020

Three and counting!

I feel like I am on a roll here, but let's be honest, they are only little knits. Still, progress is progress, right? So here is finished object number 3 for 2020! 

It's another sockhead hat!

  • Sockhead Hat 
  • by Kelly McClure
  • size: adult medium, as written
  • Knit for: me, well, originally the Savvy Barbarian in my life but then I decided for me.
  • Yarn: Canon Hand Dyes in the Virginia base, self-striping
  • Colorway name: "make not your thoughts your prisons" Antony & Cleopatra
  • Needles: US 2.5 (3mm)
  • Began Oct 2019 - Completed January 16th, 2020
Notes: Not too much to say. Followed the pattern as written again. No changes needed. One of these days I'll try some with patterning on the portion above the ribbing. It is just so hard to mess with it though because it is the perfect purse/no thought knitting.


 I had to include pictures of my 'helper' of course. She is constantly under my needles and in my way while I am knitting. She is pretty sure all yarn & needles are made for her pleasure and her pleasure alone.

Now that my desk project is completed I need to decide what will take its place. Some days are just really slow and I need something mindless to occupy my hands. It also helps to have knitting there in case I forget my knitting when I go to church. Then I can grab my desk knitting from the office. In addition to my desk project being mindless knitting, it also needs to be a project that has no deadline since it may only get worked on in little bits and pieces. I don't like to take those projects back and forth in case I were to forget it at home. I don't think any of my current WIP's are really very good candidates. So I could start a new pair of socks or perhaps cast-on my son's sockhead hat. I am going to have to give this some thought this weekend. I'm just not sure which thing I want to do. I could perhaps do a pair of fingerless mitts...I have been wanting to do some of those for a while. I'll need to figure it out before Monday so I can get it cast on Sunday night at the latest. Oh well, we shall see.
For now, I am going to spend some time on my sweater for #Make30in30 and also work on the baby project that is on the needles. I need to get that moving and off the needles. I hope each of you has a lot of knitting/crafting time this weekend!

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